Living with Dyslexia in Malaysia

kombucha research

 Date: Thu, 1 Jan 2004 09:40:10 -0700
From: “Michael Roussin” <>
Subject: Re: [KT] What are the KT pro-biotics?

Good Morning All and Happy New Year!
> 1. Are you still brewing Kombucha and consuming?
> 2. Would you recommend consumption of Kombucha and if so for what reason?
> 3. Has it benefited you healthwise?

1. Yes I still consume Kombucha – 4 ounces on an empty stomach. That is all.
2. I would recommend Kombucha as a daily supplement to the diet, butI’m from the all things in moderation age and don’t believe that consuming large quantities of Kombucha adds additional benefits. I think a small amount on a daily basis is sufficient.
3. My blood pressure dropped about 20 points when I started drinking Kombucha and has stayed lower over the years. Also, my dental health improved and has also stayed better over the years.

Okay, there are too many questions to answer without it becoming a small book, but since the topic is living organisms in Kombucha, here is what we found:The mainstay of Kombucha ferments in North America appear to be Acetobacter xylinum, Zygosaccharomyces, Saccharomyces cerevisia. Unlike the research in the Fromm paper, which showed Brettanyomyces, Zygosaccharomyces and Saccharomyces appearing in 56%, 29%, and 26% of the tested ferments
respectively, we did not isolate Brettanyomyces from any of the ferments we examined. Saccharomyces, Zygo-saccharomyces and Saccharomycodes were the most common yeast in the ferments we examined. Of the genus of Acetobacter, Acetobacter xylinum was the most frequently isolated.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the leading species of its genus found in Kombucha. It reproduces by multi-polar budding or ascospore formation. It is employed in many food industries with special strains being used for the
leavening of bread, as top yeasts for ale, and for the production of alcohol, glycerol, and invertase. The invertase production is of special interest in the fermenting of Kombucha, because invertase catalyzes the
hydrolysis of sucrose into glucose and fructose. Invertase is a fructosidase which attacks the fructose end of the sucrose molecule, in contrast to the glucosidase of molds that attack the glucose end.

Zygosaccharomyces are still considered by some to be a subgenus of Saccharomyces. These yeasts are notable for their ability to grow in high concentrations of sugar, and they are involved in the spoilage of honey,
syrups and molasses. They are also used in the fermentation of soy sauce.  Saccharomycodes are a lemon-shaped yeast which are considered objectionable in wine fermentations because they give off-flavors, low yields of alcohol,
and high yields of volatile acids.

Acetobacter xylinum is an acetic acid-producing bacteria that oxidizes ethyl alcohol to acetic acid and other oxidation products. It is not suitable for many commercial applications because of its excessive sliminess, which clogs vinegar generators.

During our investigation, two ferments that we considered to be opposites were examined. The first colony and ferment was very high in acetic acid, and the second colony and ferment was low in acetic acid, but very high in
gluconic acid. . The colonies were placed in sealed Ziplock bags at room temperature for 30 days to observe which organisms could be isolated after such storage. The isolated organisms were identified by the Biolog
MicrosationT System and confirmed by biochemical testing. The species of the organisms were determined by comparing their biochemical profile to those of known bacterial strains. The organisms tested from the high acetic acid ferment were morphologically and biochemically similar to the following: Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, and Rothia dentrocariosa. The genus of Bacillus is generally associated with the soil and the grower of this particular ferment used well water.

From the second low acetic acid ferment, Bacillus coagulans was isolated.

We had not previously screened Kombucha for these types of organisms, for we had studied the ferment from the point of view of what microorganisms produced the ferment. It was surprising to find that these organisms were
capable of surviving in the Kombucha ferment. So, what are these other organisms?

Bacillus licheniformis is a mild form of food poisoning and is frequently associated with cooked meats and vegetables that have been left at room temperature. According to Barbara M. Lund, (The Lancet Oct 20, 1990 v336
n8721 p982(5), the illnesses caused by B. cereus, B. subtilis, B. licheniformis and C. perfringens can easily be prevented by properrefrigeration. The major features of food-poisoning due to B. licheniformis in outbreaks recorded in the UK (24 episodes, [is greater than] 218 cases, 1975-86) were that: (a) the food vehicles most often involved were cooked meats and vegetables; (b) the median period of incubation was about 8 hours and the predominant symptom was diarrhea with vomiting in about half the cases (although the nausea, headaches, flushing, and sweating associated with B. subtilis food-poisoning were not characteristic of B. licheniformis (food-poisoning). B. licheniformis has been excepted for use in commercial fermentation processes for enzymes, antibiotics and other specialty chemicals by the EPA (TSCA Section 5(H)(4) Exemption for Bacillus licheniformis: History of safe commercial use). B. licheniformis has been used in the fermentation industry for over a decade for production of
proteases, amylases, antibiotics, or specialty chemicals. The ATCC Catalogue of Bacteria and Phages lists strains which are capable of producing alkaline proteases, a-amylases, penicillinase, pentosanases, bacitracin, proticin,
5′-inosinic acid and inosine, citric acid, and substituted L-tryptophan.

Rothia dentrocariosa is a common component of dental caries. According to Stuart J. Ruben, The Western Journal of Medicine,( Dec 1993 v159 n6 p690(2)) Rothia was first described as a genus in 1967 by Georg and Brown and shown in 1969 to be pathogenic but of low virulence.[1] This aerobic organism is gram-positive and varies in form from coccoid to filamentous to rod shaped. Branching is seen at times in the filamentous form, which resembles
Actinomyces, Corynebacterium, and Nocardia species. It is a component of normal oral flora that can be recovered from dental caries and plaque. We can only surmise that somewhere in the history of this particular colony,
someone tried to take a bite out of it. The Bacillus found the environment suitable, and survives generation to generation.

Bacillus amyloliquefaciens is employed in fermentation processes. Its presence in Kombucha is not totally surprising.

Bacillus coagulans is aciduric and produces a low pH (4.0 to 5.0) in media containing utilizable carbohydrates. Spoilage of acid foods, such as canned tomatoes, is usually cased by Bacillus coagulans. B. coagulans is a flat
sour bacteria that can produce considerable amounts of lactic acid from sugar. We note here that we found little or no lactic acid in most ferments. A bottled ferment from Temple City Kombucha of Culver City, California was
the only ferment we examined with any appreciable concentration of lactic acid.

I hope that helps.

Mike Roussin

June 29, 2007 Posted by | Kombucha | 3 Comments

Does/can KT interfere with absorption of antibiotics?

  Does/can KT interfere with the absorption of antibiotics?From: Colleen Allen <>

The destruction of certain antibiotics are accelerated by the increased acid content in the stomach from acidic foods. Of course Kombucha falls under that category too. So it would be a good idea to take your antibiotic a couple hours before, or a couple hours after eating or drinking acidic food.

The information source for the following is: The Drug and Food Interaction [NMSU College of Agriculture & Home Economics] Guide E-507 by Alice Jane Hendley, Diet and Health Specialist.


If you take antibiotics be careful with acidic foods such as caffeine, tomatoes, fruit juices.  Acidic foods can increase destruction of the antibiotic in the stomach.

June 23, 2007 Posted by | Kombucha | Leave a comment

Why white sugar?


Q I am very health-conscious – do I have to use white sugar?

A Many health-conscious people are surprised to be told to use refined white sugar in making Kombucha tea and ask whether there is an alternative.


Just as we need various sugars in order to survive, the Kombucha culture requires sugar and energy, in addition to the minerals and nitrogen it gets from tea, in order for the process of metabolism to take place. The culture cannot provide its own, therefore you have to provide sugar for it. Sugar is used in assimilation and respiration for most of the fermentation, and during its course is broken down and transformed into acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and carbon dioxide. Sugar is also involved in the propagation of the Kombucha culture. At the end of the fermentation period, if done correctly, the sugar will have been virtually all converted and will therefore have been rendered harmless.

Various sugars need to be looked at in order to establish which is better to use for the Kombucha fermentation:

     Household Sugar (granulated) – is refined white sugar and is called sucrose.

     Brown Sugar – most brown sugars, generally considered a more healthy choice than white, are only refined white sugar which has got its colour from a small amount of caramel or molasses added to it.

     Unrefined Brown Sugar – this is raw sugar and has a very strong flavour.

     Raw Cane Sugar – is made mostly into refined white sugar with the remainder steam-heated and sold as pure    cane sugar.

     Pure Cane Sugar – is a healthier alternative to granulated white sugar and contains vitamins, minerals and   trace elements etc.

     In tests using both unrefined brown sugar and raw cane sugar in the Kombucha fermentation the following  results were found:

     The solution was dark and cloudy

     The taste was quite unpleasant

     A poorly-formed culture had formed

     There was more yeast sediment

     It contained fewer health-giving organic acids

We decided from this, and from other research and information, that unrefined or raw brown sugar was not suitable for the Kombucha fermentation. Refined white sugar – either granulated or pure cane sugar – is preferable because:

     It is transformed during the fermentation process

     It provides a good nutrient solution for the metabolism of the Kombucha tea

     A healthy culture forms on which to propagate further

     It produces a beverage high in organic acids

     It makes a good and palatable drink

June 23, 2007 Posted by | Kombucha | 6 Comments

KT – Pu Erh Tea

  From: HerbalMomma <>
>Wow!!! What a wonderful testimonial!!! What exactly is PuEhr Tea? Can you give me a link to find some information on it? Namaste, HerbalMomma

What is so special about PuErh Tea?

A bit of mystique surrounds PuErh Tea. PuErh comes from one place – Yunnan province in China. The leaves come from the “Dayeh” (large leaf variety of the large leaf tea tree, which is more closely related to the original ancient tea tree of pre-glaciation time, than the more common smaller-leafed tea plant. It is special due to many factors; it is an
unusual large leafed tea variety, and enjoys special growing conditions because of the climate and soil in the Nuoshan Mountains, and has been famous as a ‘medicinal’ tea for centuries. After a minimum of processing similar to an Oolong process), PuErh is aged in deep mountain caves, and a well-aged PuErh (25-30 years) can command a price of $800(US) or more, per20pound!

PuErh in History For centuries, the PuErh tea was carried down from the Nuoshan Mountains in shoulder baskets through primeval forests for processing and sale in the tea market at the county town of Pu’er. Located in central south Yunnan, Pu’er County itself does not grow tea, but the name it has given to this variety has become internationally known. Traditionally, the PuErh Tea was formed into bricks or cakes and used as a form of currency. It is thought the Kubla Khan and his Mongolian invaders were responsible for introducing PuErh and the knowledge of its medicinal values to the rest of China

Medicinal Properties of PuErh Tea
In the 1970’s, Chinese doctors in Kumming reported clinical experiments in which drinking PuErh was shown to lower cholesterol levels in the bloodstream. French researchers at St. Antoine Hospital in Paris duplicated
these results and found that three cups of PuErh tea a day for one month brought lipids down 25 percent in patients, while those on other teas showed no change. These tests showed PuErh performed at least as well as clofibrate, the most advanced medicine for the purpose, without the drug’s side effects. It has since been shown to help reduce body weight. Many report that drinking it after meals relieves any overstuffed feelings and aids digestion. The Chinese claim that PuErh can also lower blood alcohol after drinking, relieve hang-over symptoms, prevent dysentery, and stimulate secretions from the spleen and other organs. People who brew their Kombucha Tea with PuErh are reporting better circulation to the extremities, relief from the pain of varicose veins, and some improvement with peripheral neuropathy. Kombucha brewed with PuErh Tea seems to provide great relief from symptoms of digestive problems such as Acid Reflux, Common Indigestion, IBS, Crohn’s Disease and other related ailments. (SeeKombucha Survey Results)

How is PuErh processed?
Again, the mystique of PuErh. The secrets involving the harvesting,production, and processing of PuErh have been closely guarded for centuries in China. The type of Tea Plant seems to be quite important, and it can be made from Green, White, or Oolong leaves. The tea is collected from growers of a special broad-leafed tea tree, which is said to be related to ancient prehistoric tea plants. The tea is then carefully processed with a type of second fermentation, which gives it its unique characteristics, a mild but very distinctive earthy flavor. Pu-erh is fermented a little longer than oolongs, but far less than Black Teas. Microorganisms play a part here, and contribute during the fermentation , creating the ‘earthy flavor’ that sets PuErh apart from other teas. Many people in Southeast Asia believe that Pu-erh tea with a light layer of mold is the best.

PuErh can be made of green white or Oolong tea and from different types of tea plants. The method of processing used to be the same as that used to process the Chien-An tribute tea from Fujian.

Due to special processing, Pu-erh is low in tannins and has a characteristic earthy flavor. It is thought to improve with age and very old samples can be incredibly expensive.

PuErh is found in loose form, as well as pressed (Tuocha) bowls, cakes, round, oblong, and square shaped. Loose, Green PuErh is a true delicacy,and rather difficult to obtain.

Who Drinks PuErh?

For many centuries, the people of Tibet and China have consumed PuErh Tea to help lower blood pressure, and in ancient texts, PuErh is credited to’clarify the arteries and blood vessels’. The nomadic people at the ‘top of the world’ tend to enjoy their PuErh in a rather unique way. When traveling through that harsh and barren landscape, they carry cakes of blocks of PuErh with them. When tea is needed, it is broken off in chunks or shaved off the block or cake with a heavy, sharp knife. In the darkness of early pre-dawn morning, the designated fire builder will construct a fire fueled by yak dung. The iron boiling pot is placed on the fire, water is boiled for a long period (for purification), and a generous quantity of PuErh is dumped into the boiling water and allowed to boil until sunrise. Here comes the good part=85..into the resulting tea is placed a chunk of rock-salt and generous dollop of yak butter. Many Tibetan refugees, when asked about the things they miss most from their homeland, will tell you that the delicacy they dream of is their beloved ‘butter-tea’. Indeed, this is truly a ‘wake up – ready to face the world’ beverage, and is definitely an acquired taste!

Chances are you don’t have a yak, and neither do your neighbors. Your cupboard may be devoid of rock-salt, and you might be forced to boil water in a conventional teapot on your kitchen range. However, you can enjoy the
distinctive flavor and health benefits of PuErh tea anytime you wish. Remember that PuErh enjoys a true “boil”, unlike its delicate cousin
“Green Tea”.

Enjoy your adventure with PuErh!

From Harmonic Harvest website

June 23, 2007 Posted by | Kombucha | 2 Comments

Dr. Pierre Joly

  Moderator:  I received this in French from Dr. Pierre Joly  Translation is by machine so it is a little rough.  He is providing a summary of kombucha knowledge he has at this point.Bob

Other uses at least known of K <Other uses and effects of KT-bob>E Groups French-speaking of Kombucha  Date: Wednesday February 7 2001

Other uses little known of Kombucha After the Second World war, the Soviet Union applied itself in the search widened on K in of veterinary use. A named preparation Bactericidin made starting from symbiosis K was tested on dogs, sheep, calves and other mammals. The clinical tests with the lambs and  calves suffering from dysentery and colibacillosis made it possible to obtain a remission with 100%. To mix K with the food of chickens made it possible to increase the growth of chicks of 15%.Harald W Tietze mentions that it undertook a search on ewes and calves, reached diarrhoea and obtained 100% of success. There is more, the animals in good health saw their growth increasing by 15% by adding K to their feed. Several people give K to their dogs and cats in order to improve their health. According to certain experts, including Betsy Pryor, the tea K makes it possible to eliminate the bad breath from the dogs as well as a strong body odor .And since you are in search and the discoveries, I can say to you that I also learned that a K culture buried at the foot of dying trees they regained life. K is also used in compress, in ointment, made starting from  the culture K or the tea of K. For the psoriasis amongst other things combined with silica gel with external as to the intern it appears that that gives famous results. Cuts, burns cure more quickly when one applies K  above.

There are some of its properties which recut <resemble?> those of the aloe freezing. We used ourself K in our hair, on our skin… are conscious that this product can add more worth to the beauty products.

We also developed an excellent champagne

June 23, 2007 Posted by | Kombucha | Leave a comment

Healing powers of kombucha

Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 22:17:57 -0700
From: Bob Williams <>
Subject: Re: [KT] Healing Power Of KT

Barb (operacat), here are the references to cancer in the FAQ. I am sorry
that I do not have the stamina to pull out all of them for you. Look
through them and see if there are any that you specifically want to see and
I will send them to you. They are of course available on-line from the FAQ.
I hope your Hubby gets better.

L&L Bob
Searching for: cancer
kombucha_faq_part01a.txt(92): * Green Tea: Skips the oxidizing step. It has a more delicate taste and is light golden-green in colour. Green tea, a staple of the Orient, is gaining popularity in the US due in part to recent
scientific studies linking green tea drinking with reduced cancer risk. kombucha_faq_part01a.txt(170): The American Cancer Society’s Guidelines on Diet, Nutrition and Cancer state there is no indication that caffeine is a
risk factor in human cancer and the National Academy of Sciences’ National Research Council reports there is no convincing evidence relating caffeine to any type of cancer. [17, 18]
kombucha_faq_part01a.txt(186): A large case-control study conducted by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in 1986, involving more than 3,000 women, showed no evidence of an association between caffeine intake and benign
tumor, fibrocystic breast disease or breast tenderness. [35] Both the NCI and the AMA Council on Scientific Affairs have stated there is no association between caffeine intake and fibrocystic breast disease. [37,26]
The original findings suggesting such a relationship have never been corroborated.
kombucha_faq_part01c.txt(92): Persons at risk for severe cryptosporidiosis include persons with AIDS, persons who have cancer or organ or bone marrow transplants who are taking drugs to that weaken the immune system and
persons who are born with genetically weakened immune systems.
kombucha_faq_part01f.txt(306): * Green Tea: Skips the oxidizing step. It has a more delicate taste and is light golden-green in colour. Green tea, a staple of the Orient, is gaining popularity in the US due in part to recent
scientific studies linking green tea drinking with reduced cancer risk.
kombucha_faq_part01f.txt(384): The American Cancer Society’s Guidelines on Diet, Nutrition and Cancer state there is no indication that caffeine is a risk factor in human cancer and the National Academy of Sciences’ National
Research Council reports there is no convincing evidence relating caffeine to any type of cancer. [17, 18]
kombucha_faq_part01f.txt(400): A large case-control study conducted by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in 1986, involving more than 3,000 women, showed no evidence of an association between caffeine intake and benign
tumor, fibrocystic breast disease or breast tenderness. [35] Both the NCI and the AMA Council on Scientific Affairs have stated there is no association between caffeine intake and fibrocystic breast disease. [37,26]
The original findings suggesting such a relationship have never been corroborated.kombucha_faq_part01f.txt(641): Persons at risk for severe cryptosporidiosis include persons with AIDS, persons who have cancer or organ or bone marrow transplants who are taking drugs to that weaken the immune system and persons who are born with genetically weakened immune systems.
kombucha_faq_part01f.txt(1221): * American Cancer Society’s Medical and Scientific Committee. Guidelines on diet, nutrition, and cancer CA-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 41 (6):334-338, 1991 (18)
kombucha_faq_part01f.txt(1289): 7. Aflatoxin. A fungal toxin which is a powerful liver carcinogen. It is produced by Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus, which grow easily on beans, grain, and peanuts which are
inappropriately stored in warm, humid conditions. The presence of aflatoxins in contaminated food supplies is thought to contribute to the high levels of liver cancer in undeveloped and developing countries.
kombucha_faq_part01h.txt(79): * American Cancer Society’s Medical and Scientific Committee. Guidelines on diet, nutrition, and cancer CA-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 41 (6):334-338, 1991 (18)
kombucha_faq_part01i.txt(50): 7. Aflatoxin. A fungal toxin which is a powerful liver carcinogen. It is produced by Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus, which grow easily on beans, grain, and peanuts which are
inappropriately stored in warm, humid conditions. The presence of aflatoxins in contaminated food supplies is thought to contribute to the high levels of liver cancer in undeveloped and developing countries.
kombucha_faq_part02.txt(57): * Cancer of the Kidney
kombucha_faq_part02.txt(189): 10. CANCER OF THE KIDNEY
kombucha_faq_part02.txt(190): I must share a success story with you that I feel KT has been a part of. In April of last year I was informed I had kidney cancer that had invaded the vena cava and was at the entrance of the
heart. Surgery took place immediately and a double operation was performed. Due to the size and nature of the cancer, it required open heart surgery and removal of the right kidney. Needless to say, it was frightening. One
of the things I did to cope with it was research cancer. We all hear so much about it, but really know little about it until it strikes home. During my research, I ran across at letter from Canada that had been posted
by a lady by the name of Victoria. She mentioned Kombucha tea in her story of her father’s cure. I had never heard of it before. Since we get desperate when we do not where the cancer is and where it will surface
next, I decided to try Kombucha in addition to my regular visits to the doctor–CT scans, Xrays and blood tests—on a 3 month cycle. This week was my 3 visit to the doctor. He is amazed how quickly my blood was restored to
normal. There have been no signs of the cancer metastasizing yet. Matter-of-fact, they do not want to see me until June. We are the happiest people in Pennsylvania right now. Does it mean I am cured? No. Could it
come back? We all know there is that possibility. Did Kombucha do it alone? I doubt it. Prayer and a healthy lifestyle makes a difference also. But, considering I am not on any medication or chemotherapy, I sincerely feel KT
has contributed greatly to my condition. My wife and daughter are now on it. My doubting older sister, although a bit skeptic, has started it. (I believe the disappearance of my grays along with the intestinal benefits I
have realized has convinced her). Enough for now. I have learned much from all the web pages, this digest, etc., about KT. I am using it successfully in cold Pittsburgh and we are enjoying it more each day. Thanks to all of you.
kombucha_faq_part02.txt(192): Hi, Colleen. My computer crashed a few weeks ago so I have no record of my testimonial I submitted in January. However, I continue to take Kombucha although my kidney cancer has recurred and I am in the midst of IL-2 treatment at the Pgh Cancer Inst. Kombucha was the first of many holistic type remedies I have been using. It continues to prove beneficial to my intestinal system even if it did not prevent the
cancer from recurring. During my first week of IV treatments, I continued to take at least 6 oz of Kombucha a day in the hospital. I also am using essiac in addition to a number of herbs and supplements. If you should have
any additional questions/concerns, please let me know. kombucha_faq_part02.txt(195): Authors note: John explained to me that “IL-2” means interleukin-2. Unlike chemotherapy, the biological agents such as interleukin and interferon are used to enhance your immune system to the degree that it attacks the cancer and hopefully destroys it.
kombucha_faq_part02.txt(209): By the way, we got our Kombucha from a former co-worker (girlfriend). This Kombucha was generations before given to a desperately ill father of another co-worker (this is third-person stuff, –
I never met the ill person). He suffered from a virulent cancer and was pronounced terminal, and sent home to die. His son brought home a Kombucha, father is back at work. Cancer is not in remission, cancer is no longer
detectable in the man’s body. Man has been examined by his doctors, and was asked to visit another hospital for confirmation.kombucha_faq_part02.txt(336): Even my nephews’ pet rat, who was riddled with cancer was able to survive for about nine months longer than the vet predicted. My sister put the juice into his water, his tumors crusted up and fell off, his hair grew back thick and shiny and he was fine. When she stopped the juice for a few weeks, the tumors grew back. She put him back on the tea and they fell off again. The rat lived far longer than expected
and if he’d drunken the tea from the start, then he might never have contracted the cancer. Same goes for humans. It’s been drunken as a preventative tonic in rural communities around the world for over 2,000 years, so this “fad” is here to stay.
kombucha_faq_part03.txt(123): * Cadminum: Bronchitis; anemia; gastrointestinal upsets and cancer in rats.
kombucha_faq_part03.txt(137): * Lead:Damage to nervous system, kidneys, reproductive system; cancer in rats.
kombucha_faq_part05.txt(176): 1. Make tea in the ordinary way. Per litre (quart ) of water, infuse 2 teaspoonfuls (about 5 g = 0.2 oz) of black or green tea in freshly boiled water. You may also use tea bags. Let the tea
leaves “soak” for 15 minutes. Green tea comes from the same plant as black tea and is distinguished from it principally by the way it is processed: it is not fermented. Japanese doctors found out that green tea prevents cancer
growth. I would suggest to use green tea for the Kombucha beverage. If you don’t want to use black or green tea you can also use herbal teas.
kombucha_faq_part05.txt(226): * 4 black (Lipton is okay) or green tea bags. (I personally like green tea because it might have anti- cancer properties). Don’t worry about the caffeine, there’s almost none left at the end of the fermentation process.
kombucha_faq_part06.txt(531): Hauser, S.P. 1990. Dr. Sklenar’s kombucha mushroom infusion-a biological cancer therapy. Schweiz Rundsch. Med. Prax. 79, 243-246.kombucha_faq_part06.txt(579): Scientific exploration of the fungus commenced in the 1950s with the Moscow Bacteriological Institute (as part of their research project on the investigation of cancer throughout the country).They discovered that it was not as initially thought, a single
organism but a symbiotic colony of several bacteria and yeasts with highly complex and sophisticated metabolic pathways. They isolated the following organisms: Bacterium xylinum, Bacterium xylinoides, Bacterium gluconicum, Saccharomyces ludwigii, Saccharomyces apiculatus varieties, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Acetobacter ketogenum, Torula varieties, Pichia fermantans and other yeasts. This group of organisms shows a distinct antibiotic effect through the presence of usnic acid which is present in some lichens. There is also evidence that usnic acid may deactivate certain groups of viruses
kombucha_faq_part06.txt(581): In 1951, the “Central Oncological Research Unit” and the “Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow” statistically analyzed the incidence of cancer throughout all the cities and districts of
the USSR. It follows that any particular area with a low incidence of cancer deserved special scrutiny from the research teams. In the research program, data was collated on environmental conditions and the everyday
habits of the people were closely examined for any possible clues about their extremely high resistance to cancer.
kombucha_faq_part06.txt(584): Living conditions, sleeping, eating and drinking patterns were investigated. Ethnic differences were taken note of together with genetic origins of all the inhabitants. Age was also considered and despite the thorough analysis of numerous factors, the research teams lead by Dr. Molodyev and Dr. Grigoriev were unable to discern any appreciable differences to other districts in the USSR that displayed a higher cancer rate which was closer to the national average.kombucha_faq_part06.txt(586): On questioning where she had obtained the
fungus from, the woman said “that travelers had brought it with them from China many centuries ago. It was thought that the Chinese had originally obtained it from the Japanese.” To further substantiate the possibility
that there may be some connection between drinking “Tea Kwass” and a very low cancer rate, Dr. Grigoriev in Beresniki also found that every household in the region possessed the fungus and drank large quantities of the
ferment each day.
kombucha_faq_part06.txt(587): CANCER SUFFERERS AND LACTIC ACIDkombucha_faq_part06.txt(588): Cancer patients rarely exhibit the L-lactic acid (+) component in their connective tissues. If present in sufficient
quantities, it is thought that cancer may not develop. When lactic acid is deficient then cellular respiration starts to fail and consequently there will be a build up of D-lactic (-) in the tissue. If both of these types of lactic acid exist in balanced proportions in the tissues then cancer may be the outcome.kombucha_faq_part06.txt(596): Over thirty years later in 1961, Dr. Valentin Koehler wrote in the periodical “Medical Practice” about the medical
effects of glucuronic acid and how that this natural method was giving courage to cancer patients. This sparked off a debate about the existence of the Kombucha culture and Dr. Koehler was encouraged with the results
that he was observing in his patients. He considered that in the long term, Kombucha may well increase the overall performance of the immune system and boost interferon production. It seems to be that around the late 1950’s and
early 1960’s that the scientific community became aware of the cancer healing properties of the fungus.
kombucha_faq_part06.txt(598): The medical doctor, Dr. Rudolf Sklenar of Lich, Oberhessen, reported in 1964 in the periodical “Experiential Healing Science” about his methods of diagnosis and therapy successes: “An
outstanding natural remedy is the mushroom beverage named Combucha, which acts detoxifying in every regard and which dissolves microorganisms as well as cholesterol.” Dr. Sklenar had developed a biologic cancer therapy in
which Combucha, as well as other biologic remedies such as Coli-preparations, held an important place for the sanitation of the intestinal flora.
kombucha_faq_part06.txt(599): In a small publication of 8 pages, titled “Cancer Diagnosis Based on Blood and the Treatment of Cancer, Pre-cancerous Conditions, and other Metabolic Diseases with Kombucha and
Coli-Preparations,” Dr. Sklenar reports that “vitamins, lactic acids and glucuronic acid are (viruses, bacteria, fungi) and to the dissolution of waste matter and toxic deposits (uric acid, cholesterol, etc.,) Kombucha
effects an outstanding detoxification of the organism.Through enjoying this beverage there is, additionally, a noticeable invigoration of the entire glandular system and enhancement of the metabolism.” Dr. Sklenar reports
“that he was able to treat successfully with the mushroom-tea: gout, rheumatism, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, dysbacteria, constipation, impotence, nonspecific draining, obesity, furunculosis, kidney stones,
cholesterol, cancer and especially its early stages, etc.”
kombucha_faq_part06.txt(601): A few years later in 1964, in the publication “Cancer diagnosis based on Blood and the Treatment of Cancer, Pre-cancerous Conditions, and other Metabolic Diseases with Kombucha and
Coli-Preparations” Dr. Rudolph Sklenar of Oberhessen concludes that “it is able to produce an outstanding detoxification of the organism. Additionally, the glands are revitalized and the metabolism is considerably
enhanced. For cancer patients, this detoxification process that is triggered by the ingestion of glucuronic acid is good news indeed, for many medical specialists feel that there is a direct link between the overall toxicity of the body and the potential for the onset of tumors and other malignant growths.”
kombucha_faq_part06.txt(603): Dr. Rudof Sklenar of Oberhessen reported in the periodical “Experiential Healing Science” about his various techniques of diagnosis and therapy. The tea fungus is mentioned as an outstanding
remedy which he considered to be a powerful agent for detoxifying the human body since it dissolves micro-organisms and also cholesterol. Some of his specific cancer treatments were based on the use of fermented tea for the balancing of intestinal flora. With the tea fungus he successfully treated gout, rheumatic conditions, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, dysbacteria, constipation, impotence, non-specific draining, obesity, furunculosis,
kidney stones, cholesterol and finally cancer in the early stages of detection.
kombucha_faq_part06.txt(607): “In the Netherlands, A J Lodesijkx of Ermelo – a natural healing specialist – describes the health-giving benefits of the fungus in his book “Life Without Cancer”. He concludes that “the
Kombucha fungus has strongly antiseptic properties. It purifies the glandular system and promotes the elimination and neutralization of uric acid.” He concludes that “the fermented beverage is an excellent remedy for
gout, rheumatism, arthritis, kidney stones, intestinal dysbacteria and early stages of cancer due to its influence on disease causing endobionts. (Red corpuscles are eliminated by these endobionts when the pH of the blood
shifts unfavorably to the alkaline side.) Kombucha is considered to be unique in that it actively re-balances the blood pH and thus helps to counter any disease processes that are in operation.”
Found 36 occurrence(s) in 9 file(s)

At 01:07 PM 03/07/2003 -0800, you wrote:
> Bob, Bev, or anyone who can help, can you please tell me the link that>will give information re: KT and chemo side-effects? I would appreciate>any first-hand info also.> Hello to all my friends. I am so sorry never to post anymore. I>rarely get on-line since I’m so preoccupied with my husband who has>lymphoma. Although I’ve been using alternative treatment for him for>quite a while, things have not been going well so he has opted for
>traditional treatment. He had 6 radiation treatments and now had his>3rd chemo and is starting to have difficult side-effects.> Thank you for any information. I miss you all like the very dickens!!
>Love and big hugs,


SCOBY: Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast

End of digest, issue 1940

June 23, 2007 Posted by | Kombucha | Leave a comment

Kombucha FAQ and links

Kombucha FAQ and Links

*** Kombucha Manna International: Kombucha Manna Drops and Manna Green Tea
Extract. Beverly B. Ferguson

*** Kombucha FAQ: Compiled by Colleen Allen.
Very complete well organized research and information about Kombucha

*** The Kombucha Center created by Jim Sease. Describes Kombucha’s history,
health benefits, how
to make it, and where to get it.

*** Sprite’s Kombucha and Water site:

Section of the Kombucha FAQ dealing with the latest known research:

Kombucha: The Rest of the Story Norbert Hoffman

Informative Kombucha Articles by Arianna Estelle: http://w3.trib/

*** Tea-Caffeine table. The table includes the caffeine content of many teas
There is a link to the Kombucha table at the bottom. That table includes
the organic acid content of Kombucha.

*** Various methods to help the different problems encountered in fermenting
KT. Len Porzio

*** Guenther Frank’s Website
Guenther Frank’s Kombucha Book

*** Harald W. Tietze’s website:
Kombucha Suppliers Worldwide

The “Worldwide Kombucha Exchange”
Where you get a Kombucha Starter Culture
There is a list of suppliers US and International at URL:

Subscribe to the Original Kombucha Mailing List on To subscribe
send a blank post to:

Kombucha Manna Drops: 100% Organic Kombucha Extract
Manna Green Tea Extract: 100% Organic Green Tea Extract
Kombucha Manna International:
Green Tea Extract:
Secure Online Ordering :
Free Email Information:

Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2004 11:54:51 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
From: ” *~ OM ~*” <>
Subject: Benefits of Kombucha

Hi EveryOne,

This list was compiled primarily from testimonials sent to the Kombucha
Mailing list on

Have you experienced additional benefits? If so, please let us know:-))

Peace, Love and Harmony,

Benefits of Kombucha List
This list was created from the input of several hundred people from all
over the world who wished to share their actual Kombucha experiences with
others:-)) If you would like to add to this list please
with your suggestion and your permission to add it to this list.

*Information provided is for informational purposes only and is not meant
to be a substitute for professional medical advice. It is our belief that
Kombucha does not “cure” anything, rather it seems to help the body to heal
itself. This information is obtained from our own personal experience and
testimonials of people world-wide who have used Kombucha. No one person
will experience all of these benefits and no one substance is right for
everyone. No specific outcome is predicted in any particular case.
1. Great beverage
2. Sense of well-being
3. Helps to relieve congestion in airways
4. Thicker hair
5. Energy boost
6. Straightened my hair out
7. KT is very effective on all types of arthritis. Helps control joint
pain and helps with the deformed joints of rheumatoid arthritis.
7a. Helps repair the cartilage damaged in osteo arthritis, (if there is any
present to build on).
7b. Helps Gout, (crystal arthritis), breaks down the crystals removing pain
and sensitivity.
8. Great conversation piece
9. Licked Calcifying tendonitis
10. Helps with asthma and “hay-fever”
11. Has brought me into contact with some very caring people.
12. stress buster
13. very calming
14. Increase sex drive
15. Regulates Intestines.
16. Cured Candida Albicans, or (yeast infection) Overgrowth.
17. Aides digestion, prevents acid reflux
18. Addictive taste.
19. Eliminates or reduces heat rash.
20. Improved circulation/controlled venous stasis in shins
21. Clears and Improves skin
22. Makes a good hair rinse
23. Redundant ‘Momma’s” (Kombucha Colonies) make good brass cleaners
24. Helped take the “scales” from a friends Skin disorder
25. Makes a wonderful, soothing foot soak.
26. Shrinking large fatty tumor.
27. Flattening and fading old age carotene patches on the face.
28. Stops severe menstrual cramps
29. Makes a wonderful facial.
30. Made me much more mobile with my gout.
31. Oncoming headlights do not bother me as much.
32. Reduces / stabilizes blood pressure.
33. Prevents and helps heal bladder infections
34. Eases carpal tunnel syndrome

June 23, 2007 Posted by | Kombucha | 2 Comments

Kombucha tea


                              Kombucha Tea

                                                         The Ancient Rejuvenating Health Drink

                Kombucha is the living relationship  (symbiosis) of a number of bacteria and special yeast cultures.  The Kombucha culture has the following available: sugar (sucrose), water, oxygen, black or green tea.  Kombucha tea can taste similar to apple cider or a refreshing light wine.

Three million users currently enjoy this refreshing tea daily (reported by NBC Dateline) and thousands of Internet users rave about its health benefits (it has its own internet mail-list).

Recent medical news reports support the long held belief that Kombucha Tea may prevent cancer. There have also been reports that Kombucha Tea has cured cancer in some patients. Recent medical studies continue to confirm that those who drink black or green tea show a 60% to 75% decrease in various types of cancer possible due to the strong antioxidant properties of polyphenols found in tea as well as weak acids with antioxidant properties.

Glucuronic acid is  also present in Kombucha Tea, this acid is a metabolite that is produced by a healthy liver and aids in the detoxification of the body. By drinking Kombucha Tea daily you will help prevent your body tissues from absorbing all the toxins and poisons found in our industrial environment that may be making you ill.

Many health benefits have been reported by others from drinking Kombucha Tea, most are likely due to its cleansing, detoxifying and acidifying effects. The health and healing benefits of this remarkable “living” tea are varied and may also vary from person to person. The tea has been reported to help the following conditions:

Cancer, Parkinson disease, Impotence, Low energy, Fibromyalgia, AIDS, Arthritis, Asthma, Acne, High Blood Pressure, Various gastro Intestinal Ailments, Bronchitis, Candida, High Cholesterol, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Colds & Flu, Constipation, Infectious Diarrhea,  Fluid retention, Gout, Impaired Immune system, Kidney problems (including stones), Prostrate problems, Multiple Sclerosis, Psoriasis, Rheumatism, Sleep disorders, Tonsillitis, Sinus problems, Hair growth & graying, Reduction of Skin wrinkles, Menopause & PMS, Glycolysis reduction, Weight Loss.

Above is only a partial list of the benefits reportedly seen from the consumption of the tea.


Below is a list of some of the major ingredients found in Kombucha Tea:

Various enzymes

Acetic acid- detoxifier

Carbonic acid –presents in blood aids in CO2 release and regulation of blood PH levels.

Folic acid – a B vitamin, works with vitamin B12 in reducing homocysteine, a risk factor for heart disease. Supplementation may prevent, correct deficiencies caused by, or be helpful with Aging, Cancer, Crohn’s disease, Heart disease (atherosclerosis & hypercholesterolemia), Immunodepression (including AIDS & CFIDS), Memory loss (including Alzheimer’s disease), Osteoporosis, Periodontal disease.

Gluconic acid – acts as a food preservative and is a product of the breakdown of glucose.

Glucuronic acid – Vital to detoxification of the body also produced by the healthy human liver. A percusor for mucopolysaccharide which aid in the prevention of skin tissue aging.

L(+) Lactic acid – detoxifier, assist blood circulation, helps prevent bowel decay and constipation. Aids in balancing acids and alkalines in the body and believed to help in the prevention of cancer by helping to regulate blood PH levels.

Usnic acid – inhibits viruses and a anti-bacterial agent

Amino acids (various) –anti-aging properties, aids in the body’s production of Growth Hormone (GH).

Hydroxy acids (various)

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) – believed to aid in the prevention of arthirtic conditions, atherosclerosis, cancer, free radical damage, skin aging, stroke, brain cell aging and an immune system stimulant.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) – believed to aid in the prevention of allergies, arthirtic conditions.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin, niacinamide) – believed to aid in prevention of arthirtic conditions, hair loss and free radical damage. Aids in healing of skin tissue. Promotes sexual excitation and stamina, also used as a tranquilizer substitute in high doses.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) – believed to aid in prevention of atherosclerosis, free radical damage, obesity, rheumatism, stroke and promotes “sex flush” and orgasm.

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin, cyanocobalamin) – believed to aid in memory and learning functions.

Vitamin C (from Lactic acid) – numerous known health benefits, too many to list.


Kombucha is an effective metabolic balancer (helping the various organs work together), probiotic (supporting the beneficial bacteria), adaptogen (balancing processes that get out of kilter) and detoxifier.  The probiotic case for Kombucha is that it encourages healthier intestinal flora by introducing lactic acid-producing bacteria. These work in a similar way to acidophilus bacteria, the active ingredient in live yoghurt. An old saying, ‘healthy gut, healthy body’ puts it simply. The acidity level of the gut is all-important, as is the health of its microbial flora which play a crucial role in the functioning of the whole body.


Begin drinking 60ml (2 ozs) daily on an empty stomach. If it bothers your stomach, you can drink it after eating.  The different constituents of the tea will work on the body differently depending on if there is food in one’s body or not. After 2 weeks, include another  dose in the afternoon and in the evening. This is a guideline, there is no necessity to stick to it. You should find out for yourself what is the best dosage for your own needs. There are people who drink larger quantities, including between meals as well, and who feel very well on it.


The Kombucha tea can keep at least a year or so, if refrigerated. It is normal for the liquid to develop a small Kombucha colony even in the sealed bottle

NOTE: Detoxification or cleansing reactions may occur.  Some possible detoxification symptoms are fatique, headache, diarrhea, gas, stomachache, skin rash, flu symptoms, cough, fever.  If you want to slow down the reactions, stop the tea until the reactions are gone and then start back with 30ml (1 oz) a day for a week and gradually increase to 120ml (4 ozs) a day.


Tea is not recommended for pregnant or nursing mothers as it may lower the blood PH level of the mother with unknown effects on a fetus or infant’s milk,  Very infrequently some very few new tea drinkers may experience minor intestinal distress which generally passes after their stomach flora adjusts to the tea.

Excessive consumption of the tea may lead to the development of metabolic acidosis, persons with pre-existing medical conditions which might be adversely affected by the lowering of ph blood levels should not drink excessive daily amounts of Kombucha tea. Drinking equal amounts of water lowers the risk of acidosis when daily consumption of the tea is excessively higher than the normal consumption of 120ml – 240ml (4 to 8 oz) per day.

TESTIMONIALS  from people who have experienced various health benefits from drinking kombucha tea.  Generally, better digestion, increased energy and a  feeling of well-being are being reported besides the specific benefits mentioned below:

Relief from constipation

 – Dr. S. Ravibalan, Medical Doctor

–  KV Soon, General Manager

– Livvy Ang, Home-maker

– Linda Sim, Legal Counsel

– Wong Yin Joo, Home-maker

Hair – thicker/darker/new hair growth

– Chong Wai Leng, Familyplace

– KC Lim, Home-maker

– Nirmala Mathavan, Teacher

– Yip Soon Chee, Director

Relief from arthritic-type symptoms

– Swarna Kumari Devi, Senior Citizen

– Sheila Foong, Businesswoman

– Tee Siew Tuang, Home -maker

No more hemorrhoids (piles)

 – Juliana Ang, Procurement Coordinator

–     Mdm Koh Ai Jin,  Senior Citizen

–     Mdm Tan Cho Tey,  Senior Citizen

Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

– Pang Soon Huat, Engineer

Clears and improves skin – Sudha Pillay, Law Lecturer

Relief from sinus – Christoppa s/o Dorairaja, Planner

No more asthma attacks – J. Bradfield, Teacher

               Refer to further testimonials at


 1. Kombucha – the Miracle Fungus Book by Harald W.    Tietze, Fifth Edition , 1995.



4.…t_are_probiotics/ what_are_probiotics.html

For further information please contact:

Kombucha Tea House  (1287572-K)   H/P: 012-2673332                

June 12, 2007 Posted by | Kombucha | Leave a comment